Jean Houston's Mystery School 2010 Daily Meditations

My Praise Song / Love Song
to the Earth for Today

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sacredness seems to be a theme running through my life as of late.

Sacred Feminine.
Sacred Masculine.
Sacred Dance.
Sacred Sharing.
Sacred Forests.

If you think, that seem to see everything as sacred, then you are correct!

Sacred Life!

Every moment of life is sacred. Live life in awe of all that is sacred.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today's passage reminded me of a recent spirit dance I attended.

There the moderator declared,

"Many bodies . . . . . one breath . . . . . one heart."

So this is the experience of oneness. God in Conversations With God tells us, "There is only one of us."

We are all one on this planet. Today's passage reminds us that we are also one with the planet.

Blessed be me.
Blessed be God.
Blessed be the Earth.
Blessed be THE ONENESS.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What is your name?

As I ponder today's passage, I am struck by King Solomon's questions of a new plant:

What medicine are you?
What are you?
What is your name?
To whom are you hateful and to whom are you useful?

On the rare occasions that a plant speaks to me, I have never thought to ask these questions. Not even to ask its name. Yet neither have I ignored the plant(s).

But I am struck deeper when I pose the questions to myself.

I will ponder this question throughout my day:

To whom are you hateful and to whom are you useful?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Wisdom surrounds us in all of nature. Today's passage reminds us of that. The birds, the beasts and the fish all have wisdom to share. Do we listen? More than this do we quiet ourselves enough to listen?

I ponder this thought, as I sit in quiet reflection of today's meditation.

Bless, bless, bless and bless even more the all that is.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Easy

How easy it is to slip out of a daily discipline. Or so I found out as I traveled back to Iowa/Illinois. I started out with good intentions of maintaining my use of daily meditation book.

I was not quite so aware of how much I enjoy a routine. I get up, make up bed, brush my teeth and go to make tea and breakfast. I bring it my room and sit to start my day. I start with mediation and reflection as I eat my breakfast. I then post my reflection.

As I traveled that routine gets interrupted and I didn't even start my day with my cup of tea. I started into a busy schedule and lost track of my meditation routine.

Yet, I did notice nature around me. For instance, have you have noticed the vibrancy of green grass as it rains? It is just a particular shade that I'm not sure the camera or an artist can quite capture it.

There has been one significant change in me since I started reading this daily meditation book. I notice the beauty around me. I often pause to smell the flowers or the tree blossoms. I notice the beauty of storm clouds. And I often tune into the rhythm of Mother Earth. None of these things require that I read my meditation book, yet I somehow become more in harmony with nature.

And by doing so, I become more in harmony with God. And that my friends, never goes out of my daily routine.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day

The first of May, a day of new beginnings. Or so it feels to me this morning. I am in retreat this morning, and the process of deep inner work begins today.

Blessed be this day.

Blessed Be.

Blessed Be the Earth, as I tune in to the planet, to Mother Earth and her natural rhythms.

Blessed be the all.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am filled

I am filled today with love. I should arise feeling this way every day, but today I especially feel filled with love. I love every thing, every person--man, woman, and child. Yes, yes, there are those who I love more intimately, more intensely than others, but I do love every one.

And I love the planet, our dear mother earth.

I love "the wind and the water and the wood and those who live there too."

But more than all, I love God. You cannot love God and not love these things. You cannot love these things and not love God.

Blessed Be The All.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today's passage reminds us that we are always choosing. And our choices effect all of life. All of life. ALL of life. ALL OF LIFE. The inner and the outer.

What will I choose to do today?
What will I choose to be today?

What I do is a reflection of who I am.

Blessed be me.
Blessed be the all.
Blessed be the planet.
Blessed be God.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I continue to marvel at my connection to the earth. I start to understand how the hermit on the mountain starts to feel connected to everything.

I am happy to report that it does not require that level of exclusive to feel this connection. It only requires a bit of quiet . . . and appreciation . . . and reverence . . . and a desire in your heart to connect. . . not just to every thing . . . not just to everyone . . . but to God.

The closer I come to God, the closer I am connected to every living thing; the closer I come to every living thing, the closer I come to God.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!





Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I must

After reading today's meditation, I must consider if I exhibit self-control, charity and kindness.

And this gives me pause for I know many would judge that I show little self-control or self-constraint. My dilemma is do I justify my apparent lack or admit to it.

I admit to the appearance of lack of self-control, yet I know the truth within my heart.

There is shall remain--without judgment. Walking through life does mean self-control--that is being conscious of one's actions, and it means walking with charity and kindness not just for others and other things, but for ourselves.

Blessed Be You who are reading this.
Blessed Be Me.
Blessed Be the All.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Today's meditation reminds me that everyone and everything contains energy, that is everyone and everything is alive. Some are able to feel the energy that surrounds them. Being conscious or unconscious of these energies does not make one right or wrong or better or worse than anyone else, it just means they feel differently.

Feeling these energies is not a necessity to honor and respect all that is. The trees and plants, the dirt and the rocks along with people--both those we love and those we have yet to meet.



Let that become our mantra and the world will be truly blessed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's easy not to accept responsibility

Today's passage reminds me that as humans we are responsible for all that happens on earth. We ARE the stewards of the planet. And we obviously are not doing a very good job. We often neglect the gift we have been given. And we use and abuse it. If we cared for a child in the same manner as we do the planet, the child would be taken away from us by the authorities and its care given over to someone else.

The problem is, there's no one else to give the planet over to. It's up to us. It's up to you. Oh, how easy it is to write those words. How easy it is to give up my own responsibility for the planet. It's never me, it's always the other person. I love and appreciate the planet. I do. I repeatedly delude myself with those words.

For today, I can love the planet. I can love the sunshine streaming into my windows. I can love the birds and their chirping. And I can love the oxygen that the plants give us.

Blessed be the planet.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I have often spoken about hearing the birds chirp and sing as I sit and ponder the day's meditation. And now I can start to glimpse them. I have moved to a bigger room within the house.

This room includes full size windows. I can now sit and look out upon the world that surrounds me. I somehow feel closer to nature by being able to look upon it.

Just outside my window there is a tree. In fact there are many trees within my view. From my elevated position I see trees that are distant from me. Through the haze, I can even see the trees upon the mountains.

I am a confirmed tree hugger but more often than not, I am just a tree appreciator. What's not to love? What's not to love in all of nature?

Is your way of loving including ignoring the object of your love? Do you take it for granted? I fear it is true that I have often done so. But no more. I choose to be aware of that which surrounds me. Whether it be man or woman, beast or plant, visible or invisible.

Blessed be The All!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Deeper, The More

The deeper I go within myself, the more I notice the beauty of nature around me.

When I am at peace with myself, I notice the peace that surrounds me.

I at at one with everything.

Blessed be The All.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today's meditation speaks of fasting and quieting the mind. So many have told me they desire to talk to the divine as I do. So many have told me they wish to feel peace and harmony as I have. Yet, they often hesitate when I suggest they spend 15 minutes per day in quiet. They will list the reasons why they cannot carve out such a period of time.

It is within the quiet that spirit speaks to me . . . and to you.

Blessed be the quiet.
Blessed be the quiet even as I hear the birds chirp.
Blessed be the quiet even as I hear the wind in the leaves.
Blessed be the quiet.
Blessed Be.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I have not

I have not become some new-age raging environmentalist. Or so I think. Yet, since starting this meditation book back in February I have come to truly appreciate our planet.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes after reading today's pondering. I concentrated on the sounds of nature that is just outside my window. I can hear the birds chirping and whistling. I am instantly transported to the trees. The beautiful trees.

I seem to soar over the landscape as I look upon earth's beauty. I think of the beauty of the grass and the plants and the rocks. And I marvel at how we, as mankind, have the audacity to think we can improve it.

No, no, I would not have us go back to some primitive lifestyle, but at the same time I think it important for us to realize just what that lifestyle costs us.

Peggy, when she gave us these meditations, asked just one thing of us. I now it of anyone reading this. Appreciate our planet. Just appreciate it. Love Mother Earth. You will be amazed at the peace you can find within yourself.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

On this day

Today's meditation speaks of and ancient teaching that life being forfeit if time is taken away from study to notice the trees or the fields. It also speaks to the new thought that not noticing the trees and the fields, then surely life is forfeit.

I have worked very hard to balance working on my book and observing the beauty around me. I notice that when I do tune into the beauty then I am clearer of thought and more attuned to divine inspiration. I find it more and more difficult to separate myself from the energy and rhythm of nature. We are all one.

On this day, I bless:
the trees,
the fields,
the wind
the water
the wood
and those who live there too.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Every LIving Thing

Every living thing has the right to live, to exist, to thrive. Including the biting red ant, and the stinging mosquito.

Blessed be all of them.
Good with the bad,
the soothing and the stinging,
the beautiful and the ugly.

Blessed be them all.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Have you considered?

After reading today's meditation, I am reminded of my sensual qualities of a strawberry. A red, ripe strawberry is a feast for the eyes. My mouth starts to water just thinking of it. The super large strawberries available at today's market seems to be a feast onto themselves. Bite into one and there is a combined experience of flavor and scent. Graze upon the bitten flesh, notice it glistening in the light.
It reminds me of other sensual experiences. All of my senses experience the strawberry.

Blessed be the fruit of the land.
Blessed be the earth.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Natural Beauty

Today's Meditation speaks of natural beauty and even with the subtlest of hands, we cannot duplicate natural beauty. A few days ago I visited my beloved redwoods, yet I was compelled by the beauty of these ferns. It was a misty and rainy day, yet the green of these ferns leaped out at you.

Pondering these meditations have reminded me of a truth I have discovered over the last several months. When I notice the beauty around me, I transcend the mundane and find myself more closely connected to God and all that is.

Blessed be the beauty around us!
Blessed be the moment it takes to notice it!
Blessed Be God!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I could not

I could not be a vegetarian, although I admire those who are and of course the Vegans as well There are slew of diet disciplines that honor both plant and animal life.

Yet, I am not ready to adopt any of them. The fact is I enjoy meat protein. I bear the responsibility of that. OR do I? For I allow others to kill and butcher my meat for me. Could I do it if I had to look the animal in question in the eyes? A thought for me to further ponder.

Meanwhile, today I will drive up I-5 on my way to the Bay area. Although the way there are a couple of feed lots. I AM responsible for that industry. Today, as I pass I will love that trampled upon earth.

It's easy to love the beautiful places on earth, including the redwood forest I so love. It's not so easy to love the ugly places. For today, I will love the ugly places on earth.

Blessed be the ugly places!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Forests

Today's meditation greatly resonates with me. I love to be in forests. The energy is always so loving. I am aware of an equal energy of wisdom. I need only be quiet to appreciate it. The wisdom is shared both in a teaching and in a knowing. And I am in peace.

This Sunday I have plans to visit the redwoods I am so in love with. I am sure to speak with Brother Tree who always shares love and wisdom.

Blessed be the trees--not just the redwoods, but ALL trees those in the forests and those who stand alone.

Blessed be the Earth!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Every LIving Thing

Monday's Meditation:

Every Living Thing is part of the Heaven and Earth. Even a weed has the right to live. I absolutely understand this at a spiritual reason. But I would prefer that the weed not grow in my flower garden. I can love the weed even as I pluck it. Perhaps I can add it to the compost heap, perhaps not. I do not hate the weed that I pluck, nor the mosquito that I swat.

Tuesday's Meditation:

This meditation gives me pause in the light of yesterday's reading that I have just commented on. "Do not spoil and destroy My world, for if you do, there will be on one to repair it." I have certainly been guilty of spoiling and destroying my world. Often in the name of convenience. Yet, from many of my writings I believe that there is indeed help waiting in the wings.

I have not spoken of this with many. I believe that many of us are aware that we are not alone in the universe. I sincerely believe that there are beings that are more advanced than we are. Highly Evolved Beings (HEB) are spoken about at length in Conversations with God. I believe when our species, our planet wakes up to its consciousness, that there are HEBs waiting to assist in reversing the damage to our planet.

These thoughts do not relieve me of my responsibility for the planet, but it does give me hope that the the damage that I/we have inflicted can be reversed.

Meanwhile, I love the earth and the beauty contained upon it. I love even the ugliness for there is beauty within it too.

Blessed be the Earth!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Few Days Off

It has been a week since I read any of the daily meditations. As I was traveling outside of the country I was not sure if my meditation book would pass inspection and I chose to leave it behind. This does not mean I have not been loving the Earth and singing praises to her.

I went to Mexico City to visit a friend. As we walked the streets and the boulevards, I could not help but notice these beautiful trees. The purple blooms were more vibrant that the redbud trees I am more familiar with.

As my friend and I strolled the purple petals would float down upon and were underfoot as well. As we strolled my heart was filled with joy and love and I lifted it up in praise of God and Earth.

As I have followed these daily meditations, I have been struck by how often we ignore the beauty that is around us. It takes only an instant to refocus our attention long enough to notice it and in that moment to truly love the Earth and be thankful to God for the beauty surrounding us.

Blessed be us! Blessed be the Earth! Blessed be God!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Whispers from the Trees

Early in my exploration of metaphysics I learned that trees were considered the gossips of nature. If you wanted the world to know something--tell it to the tree for their whispers ride on the winds.

Today's meditation speaks of the trees prayers riding on the winds. I like this image so much better than gossiping.

There is a tree that I can see from my bedroom window. With my window open I can hear its leaves whisper in the wind. I add my own prayer to the wind. In Alfie's words:
"for the wind and for the water and the wood And those who live there too."

Blessed be the whispers of the trees.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I miss redbud trees

As I read Thoreau's description of red maples, I am reminded of the redbud trees back in Illinois. They have already budded out here, but they only dot the occasional landscape here. Soon, they will bud out back home. I miss them.

There is beauty around around. Do you want past it? It is a cliche to say "stop and smell the roses" but there is wisdom within it. When I pause but for a few seconds to appreciate the beauty around me, my spirit soars, I feel more alive and life is good.

I thank the dear earth for the beauty that surrounds me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Prayer

As I reflect upon today's meditation, I am reminded of the John Denver's Christmas Carole: Alfie / The Christmas Tree.

"So when you're at your Christmas prayers this year,
Alfie asked me if I'd ask you
Say a Prayer for the wind and for the water and the wood
And those who live there too."

Christmas is not a time of year, irregardless if you are celebrating a baby's is a state of mind. Unconditional love for every living, breathing thing.

Blessed be the wind, the water, the wood and all who live there too. God bless, everyone.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God on Earth

From Tuesday, March 16:

I pause to give thought to prosperity. I only ever thought of it in regards to myself, not to all the resources of the earth. "Prosperity is the result of proper care and management of natural and human resources." Prosperity of and FOR the earth. I pray to be a better steward of these resources.

For Today:

Revelations 21: speaks of God returning to the earth. That heaven no longer exists. Is this not true now? That heaven exists in our minds, in the higher realm of that is. God is upon the earth, in our hearts. God is the earth. God is everything. He is the all, and the nothing and all in between.

Blessed Be God. Blessed be the God within me. Blessed be God in the Earth. Blessed be God on Earth.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blessed Be the Animals

Blessed be the animals in our lives. We need only look into the eyes of our dogs or cats to know they have much to teach us. But so do all the other animals--if we pause to listen to them.

I remember the first time I saw a Panda. It seemed so serene and at peace. It was a sacred moment.

And then as I type, I wonder what does a pesky mosquito have to teach me? And I notice my judgment about a mosquito.

Blessed be them all.